“Being the point of reference for coaching services of the highest standard is our vision”

"IFDS Luxembourg engaged Monica from mid-2014 to late 2015 to assist in bringing together a renewed and evolving local senior management team. During this 15-month Team Coaching, I very much valued her contagious enthusiasm, clear articulation and structured approach which helped cement the Leadership team into a more effective, tolerant and energized group. She convinced even the more cynical of the team that collectively we can achieve so much more. We were so pleased with the results that we have engaged Monica this year too to further assist us through our ‘culture’ journey: roll out PACE & L operating principles to the extended leadership team and introduce them to all staff. Improved leadership and staff engagement are critical in today’s challenging environment if you want to lead a winning team."
Jean-Benoit Naudin
Managing Director, Head of Transfer Agency, International Financial Data Services
"I have done the coaching program with Monica twice at different stages of my career. I must say that both times it was very useful and that I am happy I could do it. Monica is very good in helping to identify areas of improvement and designing the right coaching plan. This is not one of the trainings where, after few month, one is returning to old habits. When starting the second time with Monica, I discovered that I actually apply the experience gained in the previous training (done almost 10 years ago) on pretty much daily basis. I believe this is because of the right intensity allowing to digest the coaching and approach of Monica pushing one out of comfort zone, in order to make things happen. I consider this coaching a great help in my personal development."
Miloslav Cutka
Head of European Proposition, Zurich International Corporate Solutions, Zurich Eurolife S.A.
"Monica’s executive coaching was extremely valuable to me and she gets my highest recommendation. She listened to me and helped me identify some of the challenges I was having. She assisted me to address them in a methodical way and showed me the tools to continue on the path to greater success professionally and personally. Monica did not hesitate to tactfully, but directly point out areas that needed to be considered a different way, and proved to be right with her observations, opinions, and suggestions. I have further learned with her to identify some of the barriers and key performance issues that had been holding me back. You can read it all in books, but Monica can help you put it to practice!"
Olivier Noel
Senior Vice President | Deputy Managing Director – Chief Operating Officer, Northern Trust Luxembourg Management Company S.A.
"Executive coaching is a key component to continue to develop yourself in a management role. I had the opportunity to go through this coaching process with Monica and I definitely felt different after that. It allowed me to refocus on the right priorities and to become a more efficient manager. This experience is ten times more valuable than one-off expensive external trainings for which you lose quickly the benefits. I saw also incredible positive changes from my team members who went through an individual coaching process with Monica as well. Additionally, my team went through a group “optimising teamwork and collaboration” workshop with Monica and the results were impressive."
Gaëtan Van Wynsberghe, CFA
Finance Director, John Deere Bank (2017)
"In times of constant change, and where managers are to be leaders and leaders who fail to manage will lose their grip, the pursuit of a career becomes a complex task. So to just sit down with a coach, working and reflecting on some basics was a great thing to do, and Monica was the perfect partner for that. Taking a step back from it all, re-focus the attention to the goals that really matter and aiming at them from a different angle is what I expected professional individual coaching to be about. And it was precisely what Monica delivered. And the worst thing about it: it was actually fun!"
Christoph Lanz
Head of Institutional Business Development and Sales, Banque Privée Edmond de Rothschild
"We engaged Monica to work with several of the management team here at BBH Luxembourg. This is a very diverse group of individuals with very different skill sets and backgrounds. In each case, Monica has made excellent progress with their development. Every one of our mangers who have worked with Monica has fully bought in to the process and seen the benefits of dedicating time and energy to these sessions and the associated homework in between. We might have expected some of these individuals to be hard to convince or cynical of the benefits, but, without exception, each has found the process extremely rewarding."
Nils Cullen
Head of Client Service Group, Senior Vice President, BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN (Luxembourg)
"Before I started with coaching I knew where I wanted to be in my professional role but not how to get there. Monica helped me to break down my goals into a specific action list and to create a framework to handle different situations. The coaching has brought me a new way of thinking and reflecting which I can apply in my daily work. Monica has always been very willing to share her knowledge and give me valuable advice and the key to success has all been about taking opportunity to practice my new strategies as much as possible. All in all the coaching has given me more self-confidence and by making small shifts I suddenly realised I’ve made a big one."
Therese Rorstrand
Corporate Finance Manager, IKANO S.A.
"CoachDynamix have been invaluable to me in a number of very concrete ways for example, in short term problem solving and long term personal development. The coaching sessions are well structured with clear objectives, however I have also appreciated the fact that there is the flexibility and time for tackling the occasional fires. Overall it has been a great help having an experienced professional available to help find solutions, provoke debate and give confirmation that, occasionally, I am doing the right thing."
Michael Lee
CEO, UPC DTH Luxembourg
"It was a great pleasure having Monica as my Coach. Through each coaching session she was able to support me in my daily business and the coaching gave me a lot of energy. Monica confirmed me in my management style and we sharpened my leadership skills together. Monica’s explanation and analysis were so clear and understandable and make it easy to learn if you are open minded and willing to adapt yourself. Thanks for this amazing experience, Monica!"
Christian Gschwendner
Manager Investor Services, Société Générale Bank & Trust S.A
"I have been working with Monica for the last seven years and it has been a rich experience. At the beginning the executive coaching program focused on improving my personal development, effectiveness and organization. When these objectives had successfully been achieved the coaching sessions were oriented to larger management issues in order to increase general business performance of the company and strengthen the strategic decision making of its leaders. By maintaining over all years an independent view of important factors influencing the life of a company and its management Monica gives a high-value impact on the affairs of the Firm."
Jean-Claude Lucius
Managing Partner, IF Group
"BNYMellon Luxembourg decided to engage Monica for the first time during 2010 to assist us in our aim of reinforcing the local senior management’s identity as the Luxembourg senior management group, whilst respecting the matrix organisational structures that exist in large international organisations such as our own. Through her contagious enthusiasm, clear articulation and structured approach we managed to really cement the team locally into an even more effective, tolerant and energised group; all united in working towards a set of common goals. The whole team were so pleased with the results, that we will engage Monica this year too to further assist us to push down some of this to the next crop of upcoming managers and to focus on some specific areas such as improved leadership and delegation skills; critical in today’s challenging environment if you want to lead a winning team. Monica convinced even the more cynical of the group that collectively we can achieve so much more. Competition watch out!"
David Micallef
Managing Director & General Manager, Bank of New York Mellon Luxembourg (2014)
"For more than a year I have worked with Monica as my coach. I found her approach result oriented, structured and practical. Agreed objectives were the starting point of our sessions and the progress of the objectives were followed in my personal coaching chart. The coaching combined with assignments have yielded tangible and measurable results. My colleagues remarked the changes in my approach and personal effectiveness. Therefore the coaching has been a great help in my personal development."
Christiaan Vriezen
Head of Product Management (Luxembourg), NN Investment Partners Luxembourg S.A.
"MACH engaged CoachDynamix to deliver executive coaching to some of our high potential Senior Managers based primarily in Luxembourg and the UK. The objective was to achieve increased self awareness through focusing on overcoming personal and organisational blocking factors for improved leadership, thereby releasing the individual’s full potential. The outcome has been most rewarding both for the individuals and the company. Monica and Nastja were appreciated for their ability to free up the individual’s thought process, assess themselves in self selected leadership situations and define their own paths to overcome hurdles and challenges. As a follow up, we decided to re-engage CoachDynamix to deliver a Team Workshop for a globally distributed team across 8 countries on 3 continents. The objective was to solidify teamwork, trust and team deliverables while increasing productivity levels. The question we set up for the team was “What elements are needed to build a high performing, productive and credible Team in an ever evolving global environment?”. The result is a team that executes with pride and respect for each other, a team productivity increase of approx. 25%, and a global organisation that recognises strongly improved service levels."
Lena Wittbjer
Chief Human Resources Officer, MACH,Luxembourg (2015)
"It does not matter how long experience you have or how many years you have been in the market, you always need to improve and develop your personal and professional skills. Monica has been very supportive not only in making these needs visible but more important to realise the development of your set of skills and making your professional life more efficient and effective."
Mats Ronneskog
Country Manager, Lombard International Assurance S.A.
"At Sparinvest we wanted one of our very skilled teams to improve its performance by improving internal and external communication as well as its teamwork. In order to achieve this, we agreed, together with CoachDynamix, on a coaching program giving the individual team members the opportunity to define and implement a common purpose and set-up some concrete goals together and thereby removing any obstacles standing in the way of performing its true potential. The process has been very well received by all team members and the feedback on the coaching sessions carried out by the CoachDynamix’s team has been encouraging and has increased motivation and team spirit considerably. Hence, I have no hesitation in recommending CoachDynamix and their expertise to anybody in need of such services. Should you wish further information, please do not hesitate to contact me."
Jan Stig Rasmussen
Managing Director, CEO, Sparinvest S.A.(2013)
"Dynamic Coaching came into my life in the person of Monica Jonsson as an Executive Coach. In the past year, we managed together to set a roadmap and implement the action that were needed to define my function and responsibilities, redefine the job content in relation to that responsibility, set priorities, define and implement the action plan. The result is amazing. Going back to the roots and back to the essentials of the function, brought me back in control of the situation, what allowed me to focus only on the things that have to be done."
Philip Maertens
Director Automation Drives, Belgium & Luxembourg, Siemens N.V./S.A.
"Throughout my coaching programme, Brandi demonstrated a natural coaching approach and supported me at the right pace to achieve my goals. With reflection, new tools and a new level of discipline, I am now approaching my days with a more positive mindset. The impact is an increase in energy levels, a greater willingness to engage and a decrease in stress for both me and my team."
Guy Groenvynck
Manager Dealing and Treasury, ABN AMRO Bank (Luxembourg) S.A.
"Monica has coached a number of the Lombard management team and I have seen very positive results from her professional approach. I am delighted that coaching has proved to be so valuable and Monica’s input has undoubtedly helped to accelerate the development of our leadership team."
David Steinegger
Chief Executive Officer, Lombard International Assurances S.A. (2012)
"The coaching was very useful and helpful to find a balance between private and professional life, improve my organisation in general and delegation skill. Only regret: not to have done this training earlier."
Christophe Davezac
Director, Fideos (2010)
"It would not occur to any high-level athlete to train without the help of an experienced coach. In terms of management, it is becoming something more usual as well: most of managers are thinking that their colleagues should be coached! They are of course right but my recommendation would be to start with themselves first. I did it with CoachDynamix where Monica Jonsson helped me in two different ways. Firstly, as an athlete reviews through the video any of his actions, she assists you to identify how you can operate differently, translating theoretical rules (in communication, time management and many others) into concrete personal strategies with the objective to be more effective. Secondly her support is very valuable in order to gain insight into how to prepare important meetings, strategic actions or to improve relationships. Thanks to Monica, I’m not running faster but I acquired spontaneous and well suited behaviours and strategies in order to be more efficient in my work."
Chris Adam
Group Head of IT, Ikano Group (2017)
"It would not occur to any high-level athlete to train without the help of an experienced coach. In terms of management, it is becoming something more usual as well: most of managers are thinking that their colleagues should be coached! They are of course right but my recommendation would be to start with themselves first. I did it with CoachDynamix where Monica Jonsson helped me in two different ways. Firstly, as an athlete reviews through the video any of his actions, she assists you to identify how you can operate differently, translating theoretical rules (in communication, time management and many others) into concrete personal strategies with the objective to be more effective. Secondly her support is very valuable in order to gain insight into how to prepare important meetings, strategic actions or to improve relationships. Thanks to Monica, I’m not running faster but I acquired spontaneous and well suited behaviours and strategies in order to be more efficient in my work."
Alan Dundon
Partner, FIDEOS Luxembourg (2010)
“The Coaching with Monica has fundamentally changed my professional approach and my communication system in general. The tools and advice she transmitted to me were very effective and allowed me to position myself, to assert myself and come to light. The moments spent with Monica were all very precious and very pleasant. I had a lot of chances to live this experience with Monica and I thank Wolfgang my General Manager for having offered me this opportunity.”
Katia Vernhes
Quality Manager, Airtech Europe
“I worked with Monica over the course of this year and for me the coaching is very positive and the results very fast. My new role as “IT Senior Manager” is to manage and develop the Operations and Infrastructure teams. The coaching with Monica has allowed me to get in control of my daily organization, better manage and to delegate wisely. The coaching with Monica is beneficial in learning the skills required to be an effective manager. Also Monica is someone inspiring, energising and encouraging. I can only highly recommend executive coaching to any organisation. Thank you Monica.”
Luc Cottin
Alter Domus
“Coaching with Monica is a great experience. In a difficult time, she helped me put my thoughts in good order, understand what I really wanted, helped me formulate how I wanted to achieve my professional goals and helped me identify the needed actions to achieve those. I would recommend executive coaching to any organisation.”
Philippe Ringard
VP, Head of Funds Control, JPMorgan Asset Management
“In my coaching with Nastja, we first explored what I thought about myself, how I was focused on my weaknesses and thought that my colleagues were much more educated than I and much more self-confident. I was convinced that the only way for me to demonstrate my value was to put even more efforts into my work. Although this was clearly reflected by a negatively biased work-life balance, I did not see any other way. After I had started the coaching programme with Nastja, I was able to start making a change. Today I am much more efficient in my work, I am confident about my strengths and I know that I am a valuable member to our professional team at work. It is a natural consequence that the coaching programme affected also my private life. I am very grateful to Nastja for what I have been able to achieve with her help. What sets Nastja apart is her exceptional intuition – no sorrow or doubt of her coachee slipped her attention; her acute listening – she heard every undertone; her patience and encouraging – which seemed to be endless, since success does not come quickly, there are many small steps. I can highly recommend coaching with Nastja.”
Elfriede Kollig
Senior Client Manager, Sparinvest S.A.
“To get the opportunity to work with CoachDynamix and Monica has been of great help for me in my daily work but also for my personal development and in my private life. Monica has never provided me with the right or wrong answers but has guided me to see more clearly how to tackle obstacles and how to prioritize my agenda. Even if you are aware of how you would like to handle issues it’s not always easy to live as you learn. I think I have become much better in this very difficult task after working together with Monica. The coaching with Monica has taught me how to be more efficient and use my skills in the best possible way. Monica is very encouraging and inspiring and has been of great support for me over the last 6 months, thank you!”
Åsa Åhlund, LL.M.
Head of Corporate & Trust, Banque Invik S.A. (2012)
“I was introduced to CoachDynamix™ at the start of this year and through my sessions I have really benefited both professionally and privately. It’s remarkable to see how easily certain problems can be solved and how the solutions and results can surface from within yourself. Monica supports me to see things from another perspective and discover outcomes which I did not find in the past. As a result of my positive experience, I want to give my team members the opportunity to grow and develop their potential further in the results-oriented and highly personalised way that coaching offers: setting your team up to win.”
Fredrik Holm
Deputy Head of Private Banking, Danske Bank International (2008)
“The benefits of our coaching programme with Monica are really tangible. Many members of our management team, myself included, have experienced real development and personal growth. Enabling people to realise their potential, and watching it happen on a daily basis, is truly rewarding for a company. (2010)”
Wendy Evans
Head of Human Resources, Lombard International Assurances S.A. (2010)
“When I first met Monica I was very skeptical and wondered if coaching could really add value to my managerial skills. From meeting to meeting Monica succeeded due to her interpersonal strengths, to transform my skepticism into more and more enthusiasm. Monica’s coaching has been very helpful to me. I have known Monica to be an excellent listener who inspires trust. Being very professional, well organized and highly committed it is easy for her to achieve commonly agreed objectives in a way that you will certainly like. Thank you Monica!“
Jens Geyer
Corporate Treasurer, Cargolux Airlines International S.A.
“The timing for my coaching couldn’t have been better as I really needed someone to help me to get my motivation back. Monica immediately made me feel like we were a team, she was on my side wanting me to succeed. I felt empowered and energised, working on defined goals, and organising my approach to challenges. Monica has a lot of great analytical, organisational tools that helped me along the way. Talking with Monica helped me focus. Many times I would talk about a situation or challenge and she would reflect back to me and pinpoint the underlying essence of what I was saying or wrestling with questions to draw out the wisdom I needed to move forward.”
Sofia Wise
Operations Manager, Commercial Union International Life S.A.
“I benefited immensely from the well structured and individualized coaching with CoachDynamix™. It enabled me to clarify my professional objectives and to focus on how best to accomplish them. Thank you for putting me on the right path and for offering me such invaluable tools for the future.”
Edward Kostka
Managing Partner, Interaudit
“Being new in my role and thereby being faced with a new set of expectations and challenges, Monica has been indispensible in helping me to sort out my priorities and becoming successful in leading and coaching my team.”
Patrik Österblad
Deputy Head of Private Banking, Private Banking Department, Swedbank S.A. (2012)
“After a personal reflection time I realised that I needed to change both personally and at work. I set up goals, but I felt that I did not have the tools and skills to implement the changes. Monica was recommended to me and she gave me the tools and support to realise these changes. It is good from time to time to have a third party to speak to in order to see things with new eyes or to get confirmation from others than the ones you know and are surrounded with.”
Christina Coustry
Head of Private Banking, Swedbank S.A. (2007)
“Three years ago, due to the circumstances of life, I was standing at the foot of the mountain and was asking myself how to get the motivation to climb the mountain again and to reach the top. I’ve walked a long way alone standing not far away from the top but meeting Monica gave me the power to reach the last meters. A Winning Attitude, Transforming Limiting Thoughts and Positive Approach are some of the principles she taught me and she has been supporting me going through this and improving my self-confidence. Last but not least, there is still one goal to achieve but that’s between Monica and me…”
Christine De Ridder
Business Manager, Automation & Drives, Siemens Luxembourg S.A. (2012)
“CoachDynamix™ has proved a perfect partner when balancing private and work life. Monica gives me the tools I need to prioritise and become more efficient, focused but at the same time and more importantly – harmonic. Spending time with Monica is very energizing and I highly recommend it to anyone. As Monica once said “don’t fight reality, accept it and start living”
Anna Bonde
Executive Search Consultant, Representing Skarman & Skarman (2009)
“Coaching is the best investment that you can make in yourself and makes me want to share what I have learnt about it from Monica with my wife and children. I would not have believed that I would be saying this at the start, but coaching really should be taught in schools as a standard part of the curriculum. It really helps to bring out the best in yourself and helps you to bring out the best in others. With so much positive energy present at coaching meetings with Monica, you can only succeed. Like a sports coach, Monica encourages performance and achievement in a paced and measured way… and like all good coaches is only fully appreciated in retrospect”
Internal Audit Manager, Lombard International Assurance S.A. (2011)
“Coaching is the best investment that you can make in yourself and makes me want to share what I have learnt about it from Monica with my wife and children. I would not have believed that I would be saying this at the start, but coaching really should be taught in schools as a standard part of the curriculum. It really helps to bring out the best in yourself and helps you to bring out the best in others. With so much positive energy present at coaching meetings with Monica, you can only succeed. Like a sports coach, Monica encourages performance and achievement in a paced and measured way… and like all good coaches is only fully appreciated in retrospect”
Fabian D’Herbais De Thun
Assistant Manager, Central Operations Securities & Corporate Actions, Lombard International Assurance S.A. (2007)
"When I first started sessions with Monica I must admit I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from coaching, however after just a few meetings I started to find myself really looking forward to each session and constantly thinking about what we had discussed. As a result of working with Monica my confidence is now much higher, my communication is better, and I am far more organised in all areas of life. I also started to realise that people were really noticing the positive changes in me. My coaching experience was extremely helpful in looking at my goals, setting priorities and taking action. Monica is a great insightful listener, I often rave to friends about what a positive effect coaching can have."
Joanna Asbury
Client Relationship Manager, Prisma S.A.
"Thanks to the coaching with Monica, I have benefited both personally and professionally. I have gone from a situation of close to burn-out and lack of direction to now having more joy, feeling more open and having focus once again. My business has successfully developed further and my key people have also experienced the benefits of coaching. Today we have a good team spirit, open communication, common goals and a vision. I can highly recommend Monica’s coaching."
Lucien Elsen
Managing Director, Mesa Verde
"Developing my own project has been seriously on my mind since more than 5 years. I knew the corporate world was not for me, and I have always had project ideas on my mind. Some of them I even started to execute. But I have always found a valid excuse to put my project off. Financial situation, new career opportunities, pregnancy, a physical move….and then I met Monica. Always extremely focused, Monica seems to able to live whatever it is you are living and then, with only a few words, a few questions, you know the answer yourself. Monica’s belief in the human being is contagious. Meet Monica and your life will become simple, beautiful and you will feel as resourceful as never before."
Evelien D’Hertog
Founder of Four Rooms
"Coaching helped me not only to identify the tree in the forest but also to figure out how to get there and what to do with it. Thanks Monica for opening my eyes and for your insightful support."
Patrizia Luchetta
Parliamentary Attache, Luxembourg
"I have found coaching with Monica very useful both professionally and in the area of private volunteer work, and for reconciling work and family life. Coaching has also been helpful with my getting back to normal work after a serious illness. In particular, coaching has improved my performance, especially priority setting, scheduling and delegation."
GM, Administrator
European Institution
"Since I started coaching my life, both professional and private has changed. Before I was always overloaded and overwhelmed. When I look at the progress I have made I cannot believe my eyes. I wish I would have known about coaching earlier. It is no secret that the most difficult part for an artist is to be able to manage himself. It’s not simply about creating, but also to know how to present and market oneself which can be very hard. I am happy to say that I am now exposing in museums which has been a dream. Monica’s careful guidance and full support continues to be very precious to me. I highly recommend coaching to anyone who wants to move ahead in their life. Thank you Monica for all your energy, you do a great job."
P. Gerola
"When I came to Monica I was unsatisfied in my job and was on the point to lose self-confidence. Placing an innovative product in the conservative automotive industry, the short-term results requested by the management did not arrive. There was no backing from the management. No career perspective within the company was visible. I felt like I was in a one way road of which I knew I had to get off. Monica helped me to see all the personal assets I have built up over the past years. Suddenly I became aware of what I have achieved – a knowledge which is key in order to reorient oneself. She helped me to set up my personal goals and my professional orientation, pushed me to act and coached me through critical situations. After the experience with Monica my self-confidence is back. I achieved to get the job I was targeting for, promising a long term career perspective. Thank you Monica."
"I was entering a stage in my life when my inner voice started to speak louder to me. This voice was strongly suggesting that I had to change what I was doing of my life. I wasn’t sure at all whether this voice was telling the truth, the only thing I felt was an inner emptiness and an increasing dissatisfaction with my current job. I didn’t know how to go about it until I found, one can say by chance, a pamphlet about CoachDynamix™. I called and had the opportunity to meet Monica. Since our journey together with her bringing me constantly back on the path I think I would have given up. Monica always reminds me about my commitments and always finds the right encouraging words to put me back on track. The journey is started but not finished yet, I still rely on Monica’s professionalism to help me materialize this new life project. Thanks Monica."
Director in a large Multinational company
"From the very first meeting I was amazed at Monica’s smartness, which makes her ask exactly the right questions and always know what it is you need at a certain point. Monica gives you the feeling that no dream, no goal is beyond your reach. If you can dream it, you can do it. And then that feeling, that dream, slowly but surely turns into reality. Life doesn’t get any more powerful and exciting than that… I would recommend personal coaching to anyone. In fact I am recommending it to everyone ! But I am afraid you have to ask for the real thing (Monica Jonsson), and accept no substitutes . . ."
Cecile Somers
"Without Monica I would never have realized my own project. From the very beginning she became enthusiastic about my idea and encouraged me to follow my own way. When I doubted if it wouldn’t be better and safer to go back to my original profession, Monica just knew excellently to ask the right questions. I found the answer myself and I am proud to have gone this way."
Viviane Bumb
Marketing Consultant
"Working with Monica has helped me to develop a clear picture of my career. Now I work with confidence on the market and am able to meet my targets successfully."
L. Corti
Sales Director
"Life as an artist, although accompanied by many romantic notions, is notoriously prone to being judged by society with clichés. So getting to know Monica’s comprehensive set of tools to help combat these limiting images has been a great source of help and encouragement. Her tools don’t only encompass effective, practical and result-orientated methods, she also instills a strong sense of confidence and ease with her sincere manner. I’m looking forward to achieving several of my lifelong goals with her very professional assistance and support."
Sally Arnold
"Monica gave me the energy, support, guidelines and inspiration that I just needed it to overpass my lack of self-esteem during a bad period of my life. She believed in me and I have to say that it was really a great pleasure to work with her. It would be fantastic if each of us could have a coach like Monica during the whole journey of our life."
Quality Manager
"Monica is dynamic and really knows how to motivate you in moving your career and life forward. She has helped me to formulate relevant and specific goals and then stood by me and encouraged me to meet them. Everyone should have a coach!"
Robert Verbeeck
Product Manager
"Coaching with Monica has been a unique experience. Through her coaching and because of her enthousiasm, I have got closer to my dreams. I now let creativity flow. She has this great power to motivate you and make your ambitions come true."
Marleen Lacroix
Mosaic Artist
"Working with Monica has given me inspiration, motivation and a higher degree of self-awareness that I had lost. I now take my life and my choices more seriously and make it a priority to live with quality."
A. Adams
Head of Marketing
"Coaching has helped me to prioritise my goals and reach them. Monica is a terrific coach; she stands behind me and my dreams and her powerful support helps me to move forward."
Sara Medina